How It Works
Choose Your Subscription.
Your monthly Forest Box filled with inspiring activities is just a click away.
Starting at just $35.
Your first box is on its way!
We ship boxes on or about the 15th of every month.
Free shipping!
We are currently only shipping within the United States. Plans to ship internationally are in the works for 2022.
Your Child's Connection to Nature Begins.
The activities, crafts and journals inspire your child
to love the outdoors. Value at over $62!

Educational Nature Journals that encourage curiosity.

Skill Lessons that Foster Confidence,
Resiliency and shared

Nature Crafts that Build Fine Motor Skills and

Gear that Encourages Exploration and Awareness.

Virtual fireside story audio recordings that inspire.

Ages 5-8 with adult assistance
What's Inside
Ages 9-12, independently

What Makes our
Boxes Unique
How-to Videos easily accessed on our website.
How-to Audios plus monthly recorded story!
Activity guide included in each box.
Curated by experienced wilderness instructors.
Most materials are all
nature made.
Choose Your Subscription
3 Month
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12 Month
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The Forest Box Year

Get Your Questions Answered
What ages are the forest boxes designed for?The Forest Box for Kids is designed for ages 5-8 with the help from an adult. Ages 9-12 can successfully complete activities independently.
I live in a forest/mountain/urban area. Will the "forest" box still work for us?"Great question. Yes! Our boxes are appropriate for all bio-regions, and their themes and skills are universal to people all over the world. You may need to find a local farm, park or natural area to do some of the activities if you live in a more urban area, but the crafts and journals and the rest of the box will 'work' anywhere.
Can you describe more about what's inside each box?Yes! Each box will contain a nature journal with a specific area of focus, eg. Tracking, weather, birds, wild edible plants, and will include details on the topic, a crossword puzzle or other kind of fun game and a place for your child to write down their observations. Your box, each month, will also contain a skill with a link to a how-to video as well as written instructions. Examples of skill activities are fire-making, shelter-building, cooking over a fire. Also included, with a detailed how-to video is your monthly craft. This may be making a stone tool, sanding and oiling a wooden pendant, casting an animal track or making a willow tray to name just a few. All the materials your child needs to complete the craft will be included in the box. Each month, your box will contain a "postcard" with a link to a recorded story that pertains to the nature focus. These are meant to inspire and stimulate your child's imagination wihen it comes to connecting to nature. Your box will also include a gear each month. A compass, bug balm, magnifying glass, and identification cards are a few of the gear items you'll receive.
How challenging are the activities and crafts?We are nature educators and have worked with a wide-range of people with varying degrees of experience. We've designed each box to work at a beginner level in terms of skills needed to complete the activities. We include detailed instructions, both written, illustrated and a 'how-to' video, to insure your success. We also have a private Facebook Group where you can post your questions, get support from our staff and educators as well as share your photos and completed crafts and adventures. We provide a link to this group once you subscribe.
My child loves glitter? Do your boxes include glitter and shiny craft stuff?Our boxes are not bright and shiny with lots of artificially made sparkly things. Most of our materials are nature-made and harvested from our own land or wild places nearby, and will be similar to what you would find if you were out in the wild. (We make sure they are clean and free of invasive species.) The sparkle of sunlight off of a rain drop on a flower, or the flash of fireflies provides all of the glittery beauty we need!
Will my subscription begin with a specific box?Your first box will be determined by the month you subscribe. For example, if you subscribe in November, then your first box will be our Tracking Box. If you subscribe in December, then your first box will be our Winter Craft Box.
When will my box ship?Our boxes ship on or about the 15th of each month. Free shipping to the domestic United States is included in our subscriptions. Please note: We have no control of the time of delivery once we hand off the boxes to the mailing service, so please allow a few days for your box to arrive! Thank you! We do not currently ship internationally yet, but plan to add this option in 2022.
How do I access the how-to videos and stories?Your Activity Guide and Story Card includes a QR code that you can scan with your phone to get to that month's web page. This page includes the videos and the Audio Story links for that box. We also include a written link in that page in case you are unable to make the QR code work.
Our boxes are curated by expert nature educators!

That's right! We've been nature educators(and parents) for over 30 years teaching thousands
of children.
Fun activities that
offer skills that will
last a lifetime!

Your Guide
Ricardo Sierra has taught wilderness skills to over 10,000 children for more than 30 years.
He's an expert when it comes to creating transformational experiences that guide children into a meaningful connection with the natural world.
His Forest Box for Kids nature education curriculum has been awarded the Parents' Pick Award as one of the best educational material for children!

Listen here to Ricardo's TEDx Talk on
Saving the I-Generation from Nature Deficit Disorder.